Elaphrosaur: Rare dinosaur recognized in Australia

A fossil uncovered in Australia by a volunteer digger has been recognized as an uncommon, toothless dinosaur that meandered the nation 110 million years back. 

The elaphrosaur, whose name signifies "swift reptile", was identified with the Tyrannosaurus Rex and Velociraptor. 

The five-centimeter (two-inch) vertebrae fossil was found during a delve close to Cape Otway in Victoria in 2015. 

It is the first elaphrosaur bone ever to be found in Australia. 

The fossil was found by volunteer Jessica Parker, who was partaking in a yearly burrow drove by Melbourne Museum. 

At that point, it was believed to be from a flying reptile called a pterosaur. Be that as it may, when scientistss at Swinburne University in Melbourne considered the fossil further, they understood it was a gently constructed dinosaur. 

"Elaphrosaurs had long necks, short arms with little hands, and moderately gently constructed bodies," Dr Stephen Poropat said. 

The fossil showed the creature was around two meters (6.5ft) long. Nonetheless, different fossils recently found in Tanzania, China and Argentina show that they could reach up to six meters long. 

Grown-up elaphrosaurs likely didn't eat a lot of meat, Dr Poropat said. 

"As dinosaurs go, they were fairly unusual. The couple of known skulls of elaphrosaurs show that the adolescents had teeth, yet that the grown-ups lost their teeth and supplanted them with a horny mouth. We don't have a clue whether this is valid for the [Australian] elaphrosaur yet - yet we may see whether we ever find a skull," he said. 

Cape Otway, where the fossil was found, is a rich zone for revelations. Around twelve creatures and five dinosaur species have been recognized there, as per ABC News. Those found incorporate a plant-eating dinosaur found in 2018.


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